Member Login & Registration
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Become a video member and get access to live online Pay-Per-View purchase opportunities for select events
on the Eldora Speedway schedule!
- Membership is free! It costs nothing to sign up, but you must become a member before you can purchase any PPV broadcasts!
- Sign up just once! All PPV video purchases can be made through your membership profile.
- Receive email notices when new events are added to the PPV schedule.
- Receive important notifications when schedule changes are made to an event which you purchased.
- Official correspondence regarding rainouts and subsequent rain check/refund details will be sent through your membership email address.
- Members who purchase a PPV event can access live video across multiple platforms, including:
- Windows based computers
- Apple based computers
- Android devices
- iPhones
- iPads
- Windows 8 devices
- (see FAQ section for suggested minimum device specifications and internet speeds)
Note: a video membership is separate of any other Eldora related profile which you may currently hold
(race tickets, email newsletter, etc). In order to view live PPV video, you must become a video member
by signing up on this page.